Sunday, August 22, 2010

This is why we fight!


We will surely be slaves if we do not stand up now!

This is just as example of slavery today in islam. There are countless more that we, as Americans, will never hear about because out media doesn't talk about ugly truths anymore.

I implore you! LOOK, LEARN and TEACH your children the TRUTH or you doom them to be slaves.

The following was taken from Pamela Geller's blog, Atlas Shrugs

Simon Deng is an American citizen from southern Sudan. He is also an escaped slave. He is a leading human rights activist who speaks out on the genocide perpetrated against blacks by Arab moslems in Sudan. The history of Arab colonization of Africa is one of islamization, wholesale slave trading, and genocide. Simon Deng is a warner of the horrors of unchecked Islam and sharia.

“This is an insult to America and this is an insult to New Yorkers. I’m outraged. I’m so mad and upset because of the insult to those who died here. The last words of the terrorists, it was Allah hu Akhbar when they came to kill us. And they want to build a mosque to say every single minute “Allah hu akbar” every minute here.

Let me tell you this, I came from a country where The policy of Islamization it took me to being a slave when I was nine years old. The policy of Islamization slaughtered three millions of my fellow Christians in southern Sudan. The policy of Arabization and Islamization left seven million of my fellow Christians refugees in Sudan, the biggest refugees since WWII.

In the state that I came from in southern Sudan, there used to be one mosque. I was in Sudan a month ago. There are 113 mosques. When they are building these mosques today, they’re going to build another one here tomorrow, and another one there, and another one there, and you’re going to have a million mosques. NO! Even the muslims themselves, I talked to hundreds of muslims, they agree, the mosque should not be here because of what happened here. The decent muslim agrees with all of you that the mosque, by being built here, it is an insult to those who died here. NO! NO! We, the New Yorkers, have to stand shoulder to shoulder, and stop this mosque.”

For those on the left who deny the nature of Islamic totalitarian aggression, I made this photo in black and white. For me, it’s a black and white issue.

Simon Deng is not the son nor the great-grandson of a slave. He is an escaped slave. He was kidnapped at age 9 by an Arab moslem and taken down the Nile from southern Sudan. There are still open slave markets in Sudan’s cities today, under an Islamist dictatorship. In Mr. Deng’s case, he was given to an Arab family related to the slaver. He was treated like an animal, a sub-human by his master and the family.

Simon Deng is of the Shilluk tribe. The distinctive scarring decorating his brow is worn by all Shilluk men. At age 14 he escaped with the help of a Shilluk stranger who he recognized by his decorated brow. Millions of Sudanese black Africans have been killed by Arabs in recent decades, and many million more were enslaved for export to the middle east over the centuries of Arab colonization. Moslems still enslave blacks in a number of countries in Africa today.

Since slavery is permitted by Islamic law, Muslim countries have used secular law to ban it, but only due to pressure from western nations. Some countries outlawed slavery only recently: Qatar in 1952, Yemen and Saudi Arabia in 1962, Mauritania in 1980. But slavery continues on a smaller scale in a number of moslem countries due to custom and the fact that sharia law remains unchanged.

Simon Deng with Leonard Wahl, father of U.S. Army Sergeant Gregory C. Wahl, killed in action Balad, Iraq, 05/03/04.

Simon Deng will lead the second SUDAN FREEDOM WALK from the United Nations in New York to the U.S. Senate in Washington, D.C. The march starts on September 28 from Dag Hammerskold Plaza, adjacent to the U.N. in Manhattan.

After the first Sudan Freedom Walk, two moslem men struck Mr. Deng with an automobile in an assassination attempt. With a broken shoulder, ribs, and two collapsed lungs, Mr. Deng was taken for dead, but was revived and spent two months in intensive care. It’s worthy to note here that our English word for assassination comes from the Arabic word for the same.

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"The battle, Sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave. Besides, Sir, we have no election. If we were base enough to desire it, it is now too late to retire from the contest. There is no retreat but in submission and slavery! Our chains are forged! Their clanking may be heard on the plains of Boston! The war is inevitable; and let it come! I repeat, Sir, let it come!"
Patrick Henry

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"A general dissolution of principles and manners will more surely overthrow the liberties of America than the whole force of the common enemy. While the people are virtuous they cannot be subdued; but when once they lose their virtue then will be ready to surrender their liberties to the first external or internal invader." -- Samuel Adams, 1779