Saturday, February 27, 2010

Does the Tea Party really want to WIN?

I have spent some time looking at how the left(progressives) attack the right(conservatives) and watching the right defend their views and the meaning of their words. It seems to me now that the attacks, for the most part, are just a tactic. The left will verbally abuse the right in every manner and the right (for whatever reason) will attempt to placate the left with reason and knowledge.

Is it working?

The left is still attacking, still ranting, still trolling the right.

So what do we need to keep in mind? What do we need to ingrain in our very being?

  • We can not win a fight unless we're in it to demolish the opposition.
You can not defeat your enemy by trying not to hurt their feelings. You can not win by taking the 'moral high ground' and believing that it is just enough to be silently right. It's not enough! It's an important part, maybe the most important, but it is not the whole.

  • We must have facts and correct timelines.
I can not stress this enough! How many times have you seen a poster or a photo depicting the Boston Tea Party in 1776? I have seen multiple accounts of the left mocking and discrediting the right because of the date of the Boston Tea Party. And, guess what? They are actually correct. The Boston Tea Party happened in 1773.

Here is an article about the Boston Tea Party, including a first hand account of it.

  • We must have a unifying purpose.
What does this mean? It means that we must lay aside petty difference (Bush's fault, not Bush's fault. Pro-Ron Paul, anti-Ron Raul. Truther, Birther...etc.) The 'Mainstream' media is doing a good job dividing us. They have systematically taken the Tea Party apart and pitted us against each other.

A divided house can not stand.

  • We need accountable leadership in the Tea Party.
No matter how many times someone says, "Oh, the Tea Party doesn't need a leader. Everyone is a leader.", it will not make it a reality. The reality is that we must have leaders in order to be affective, to win. If we do not have stationed leaders who are organized with their people and with each other and are, in turn, plugged in with the whole, then we are doomed.

We can not win a war with out leadership. To try without it is folly.

  • We need to study our enemy.
The left is full of very smart individuals who spend a lot of time figuring out things to say and use in an offensive tactic on the right. Well, duh, we should be doing that ourselves!

Look at what they are saying, I mean really look at it. Look it up. (ie. in the dictionary, google it....)Then when you have the facts you can confront them. When they dispute the facts (and, this is my favorite thing to do) bully THEM into proving YOU wrong.

Don't get caught up in their name-calling, but on the other hand, don't be afraid to name a few yourself.


Never for one second believe that we can't win. But, we must have the structure that our founding father's had and believed in to do so.

Our founding father's believed and followed God's word. Like the rest of us, they were not perfect. The left would try to make everyone believe that Christianity has no business in politics and that the founding father's of our nation believed the same way.

Here is a rundown of the religious affiliation of the founding father's. To learn more about the founding father's and their own views on issues you can go here (regarding militia), here (a compilation of quotes), and here (what they meant by 'militia')

And, here is an amazing article that everyone should read. An eye-witness' account of The Revolution.

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"The battle, Sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave. Besides, Sir, we have no election. If we were base enough to desire it, it is now too late to retire from the contest. There is no retreat but in submission and slavery! Our chains are forged! Their clanking may be heard on the plains of Boston! The war is inevitable; and let it come! I repeat, Sir, let it come!"
Patrick Henry

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"A general dissolution of principles and manners will more surely overthrow the liberties of America than the whole force of the common enemy. While the people are virtuous they cannot be subdued; but when once they lose their virtue then will be ready to surrender their liberties to the first external or internal invader." -- Samuel Adams, 1779