Monday, March 8, 2010

Just call me a BIRTHER and get it over with!

I want to see the birth certificate of one Barack H. Obama! There, I said it!

I can't get my driver's license renewed without showing two forms of ID, one of which being my birth certificate. So, how is inconceivable to the American citizenry to insist that the man sitting the Oval Office do the same thing?

Oh, I've heard probably all of the arguments......'He gave us a copy of the certificate online'....'We're just going to have to wait until 2012'.....(and the best one)....'You're just a racist!'

Well, I'm calling BS on all of that!

He didn't show me squat online! Anyone can make a certificate online.

We can't wait until 2012 to vote him out if he isn't legal. That is complete and utter politically correct BS. Now, follow me here....if he's legal and has nothing to hide then the easy thing to do is just present the birth certificate to Congress and have them all (on camera) witness it. It's as simple as that!
But, no. That's not what is going on. Close to $2Million of taxpayers campaign funds have already been spent to hide the birth certificate of 'president' Obama.

I have also heard that if we push this issue and prove that Obama is not legal to be POTUS then that will cause turmoil in our country and we just need to leave it alone until 2012.........What!!!? Doing the right thing is never the easy thing. But, it must be done. That's why it's the law. How can I, as someone who loves this country, sit back and quietly watch an administration commit crimes and just say, 'Hey, we'll just vote them out in the next election 'cause it's going to cause problems'..? Hello!? We already have problems, and they're just going to get worse.

This 'president' has already hung our Constitutional protection from foreign agencies out the window! He has already sealed his records, and his wife's. That was the very first executive order that he signed. He is pushing, and will probably get it done, socialize health care. There hasn't been an illegal alien or an abortion that Obama hasn't fallen in love with and tried to give amnesty to. He kowtows to islam, a totalitarian ideology hell-bent on taking over our great country(not a joke, total seriousness) and the very same people who danced in the streets rejoicing 9/11.....just what should I be waiting for? And, all without proof of his citizenship. In fact, all with many facts pointing to him NOT being a citizen of the United States. So, why the hell should I wait for anything?

I want to see proof of Obama's citizenship. It's fine with me if he just lays it on a table and has Congress walk by it one by one and sign a statement saying that they did, indeed, see an actual long form birth certificate of one Barack H. Obama and that it says that he was born to two American parents on American soil. Oh, wait.....that's one of those other things that you have to have to be the POTUS.....TWO (2) American parents.

Update: I'm not a racist. I purposely didn't address that as it is.......stupid!

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"The battle, Sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave. Besides, Sir, we have no election. If we were base enough to desire it, it is now too late to retire from the contest. There is no retreat but in submission and slavery! Our chains are forged! Their clanking may be heard on the plains of Boston! The war is inevitable; and let it come! I repeat, Sir, let it come!"
Patrick Henry

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"A general dissolution of principles and manners will more surely overthrow the liberties of America than the whole force of the common enemy. While the people are virtuous they cannot be subdued; but when once they lose their virtue then will be ready to surrender their liberties to the first external or internal invader." -- Samuel Adams, 1779