Thursday, March 11, 2010

Monday, March 8, 2010

Oh, could you? Geert Wilders, a fascist? Ahhhh.....

I was appalled today the Glenn Beck would infer to the American public that Geert Wilders is a fascist. For those of you who still do not know who Geert Wilders is....let me give you a short run down.

Geert is a hero!
He is a member of the Dutch Parliament who is on trial in his own country for speaking out about Islam. He speaks the truth and now faces charges of 'hate speech'. Most don't know what that implies because we are afforded the luxury of free speech and expression. Well, that will change if Geert is found guilty of hate crimes.

Here is what I emailed to Glenn Beck, I doubt he will read it as I am just one in thousands but if you don't try to do something you can't complain about the outcome.........
"I would be interested to know just how it came about that you would be willing to infer that Geert Wilders (pronounced Vilders, as you so commonly say, it takes two minutes of research to find that out) is a fascist?
I have spent some time following Mr. Wilders and in my opinion the man is a hero. The ideology that he is fighting against, Islam, is the fascism, sir. Something that you refuse to touch upon and something that is an immediate threat to our country. And, to infer to millions of Americans that Mr. Wilders is something that awful is shameful on your part.

I know that you will most likely not even read what I have taken the time to write, nor look at the links that I am providing. However, as I had quite a lot of respect for you until today I am going to try anyway.

Here is a collection of videos of Geert Wilders.
Here is an article about Geert Wilders.
Here is another article about Geert Wilders, in regards to him being prosecuted for 'hate speech'.
This is not Geert Wilders. It is Allen West, who has the same opinion as Geert Wilder and myself.

Good day to you sir, I hope you change your mind about Geert Wilders."
There are others on trial for speaking the truth about Islam and don't think that it won't happen here in the US. It will, mark my words. The question you should be asking yourself is how do we stop our freedoms being stripped from us? What steps should we take to prevent this from happening to us?

In my opinion, standing up for the truth now while it's still legal is a good start. No matter if it seems little, like say...for instance....Glenn Beck assigning the word 'fascist' to Geert Wilders, however indirectly. Learning the truth is even better.

Do some research. Find out who uses facts and who uses scales, there is a big difference.

Have the guts to watch the videos that are hard to watch. I can promise you it's not easy but if you are watching it, someone had to live it. We owe it to them to speak up while we are able.

This is what HONOR looks like.........

Respect the fallen and honor their families that they left behind for YOU!

Just call me a BIRTHER and get it over with!

I want to see the birth certificate of one Barack H. Obama! There, I said it!

I can't get my driver's license renewed without showing two forms of ID, one of which being my birth certificate. So, how is inconceivable to the American citizenry to insist that the man sitting the Oval Office do the same thing?

Oh, I've heard probably all of the arguments......'He gave us a copy of the certificate online'....'We're just going to have to wait until 2012'.....(and the best one)....'You're just a racist!'

Well, I'm calling BS on all of that!

He didn't show me squat online! Anyone can make a certificate online.

We can't wait until 2012 to vote him out if he isn't legal. That is complete and utter politically correct BS. Now, follow me here....if he's legal and has nothing to hide then the easy thing to do is just present the birth certificate to Congress and have them all (on camera) witness it. It's as simple as that!
But, no. That's not what is going on. Close to $2Million of taxpayers campaign funds have already been spent to hide the birth certificate of 'president' Obama.

I have also heard that if we push this issue and prove that Obama is not legal to be POTUS then that will cause turmoil in our country and we just need to leave it alone until 2012.........What!!!? Doing the right thing is never the easy thing. But, it must be done. That's why it's the law. How can I, as someone who loves this country, sit back and quietly watch an administration commit crimes and just say, 'Hey, we'll just vote them out in the next election 'cause it's going to cause problems'..? Hello!? We already have problems, and they're just going to get worse.

This 'president' has already hung our Constitutional protection from foreign agencies out the window! He has already sealed his records, and his wife's. That was the very first executive order that he signed. He is pushing, and will probably get it done, socialize health care. There hasn't been an illegal alien or an abortion that Obama hasn't fallen in love with and tried to give amnesty to. He kowtows to islam, a totalitarian ideology hell-bent on taking over our great country(not a joke, total seriousness) and the very same people who danced in the streets rejoicing 9/11.....just what should I be waiting for? And, all without proof of his citizenship. In fact, all with many facts pointing to him NOT being a citizen of the United States. So, why the hell should I wait for anything?

I want to see proof of Obama's citizenship. It's fine with me if he just lays it on a table and has Congress walk by it one by one and sign a statement saying that they did, indeed, see an actual long form birth certificate of one Barack H. Obama and that it says that he was born to two American parents on American soil. Oh, wait.....that's one of those other things that you have to have to be the POTUS.....TWO (2) American parents.

Update: I'm not a racist. I purposely didn't address that as it is.......stupid!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Free Speech No More, says Montana Judge

Back in May of 2009 an article broke out about a Valedictorian who wanted to mention the name of Jesus and her belief in God in her speech. Her intended remarks were in regards to what motivated her success. She was denied that right, to express her beliefs and feelings of gratitude to her God.

(excerpt of the article)
Free speech 'gutted' in valedictorian speech case
Charlie Butts - OneNewsNow - 5/7/2009 6:00:00 AM
"Renee Griffith, who is a Christian, wanted to mention Christ once and mention God once in one of her very short remarks, and the school said she couldn't do it," he explains. "She [insisted she] wanted to do it, so then they actually removed her from the graduation ceremony and did not allow her to speak."

Now we have a judge in Montana who not only agreed with squelching this young woman's right to free speech and expression (which is given to countless porn stars, Muslims and atheists daily)
the judge ruled against this now college student.

(excerpt from the article)
Judge rules against religious expression
Bill Bumpas - OneNewsNow - 3/3/2010 6:00:00 AM
A judge in Montana has ruled against a high school valedictorian who wasn't allowed to speak at her graduation ceremony because she wanted to give God credit for her success.

Rennee Griffith is now in her second year of college. She graduated from Butte High School in 2008 as one of the valedictorians, but when she submitted a draft of her speech to school authorities, her First Amendment rights were violated.

"She was asked, as were the other valedictorians, to speak about what helped them get through school. Some people wanted to thank the football coach or the track coach or their uncle or a particular teacher, and they were permitted to do that," explains Griffith's attorney, Bill O'Connor. "The only thing they would not permit, by their own admission, was...her to attribute any achievements to her belief in God."

Have we really sunk so low as to not allow this young woman the right, the right that is guaranteed protection by the Constitution, to express her view on her faith and her own success?

Friday, March 5, 2010


You know, I would like to write/type/talk about something other than islam and all the nasty stuff going on in the world, (Israel preparing for war, Turkey throwing a fit about the word 'genocide', Iran going nuclear, N. Korea nuclear, Russia selling umpteen $billions worth of arms to Venezuela and Iran, Honor killings around the world, Islamic dominance in...well everywhere they can, Civil liberties taken away in the US, Dirty politicians who don't give a damn, president's who won't release records, voting fraud, etc.)....but it's in my face everyday. I just can't get away from it. It makes me wonder how other people can't see it.

Take my sister for example, she's good hearted (would go without so she could give to someone in need, bless her heart), but she doesn't have a clue......
I don't understand this.
We live on the same planet, we both have television, and I'd be willing to put money on the fact that she has seen a newspaper more recently than I have. Sooooooo, how is she missing all the brown stuff flying towards the fans? (Mentally shaking head in wonder)

My best guess is that she doesn't want to know. She is happy in her little bubble land of television and dreams, sitcoms and pretend news.....

Now consider the fact that my sister is a representative of the majority of voters.

Scary, isn't it?

To the teary-eyed liberal defenders of islamic terrorists

To any and all liberals who might feel sorry for Islamic terrorists.
( might call them freedom fighters..)

Fair warning.
You're not going to like what I have to say.

I have heard and seen with my own eyes free Americans defend islam and say that it is a religion of peace; that we, Americans, have done something to muslims to make them hate us!

There is no peace in Islam.

I have heard and seen with my own eyes free Americans whine about the treatment of the 9/11 terrrorists.

Well, too bad!

Anything that may or may not have happened to them while in American custody is a lot better than what they do to others on a daily basis!

It's a lot better than acid thrown in their faces. ( the way, you don't have to be a terrorist to do that. It's common, in Islam, to avenge a slight on one's honor by throwing acid in the face of someone from the family that imposed the slight. That slight usually being a girl who refused a marriage proposal...)

It's a lot better than having boiling oil poured down your throat; something the Quran (koran, qaran..whatever) dictates to muslims to do to heretics and apostates.

It's a lot better than raping little children to death with machine guns in front of other children in the name of Allah! (
actually happened in Beslan, Russia and see this link for even better description from some of the survivors.)

It's a lot better than killing your wife, or your daughter, or you mother, or your aunt because you think that she is too westernized or you think that she might have dishonored you somehow. (
happens everyday)[link]

It's a lot better than your husband coming home from 'church' (read mosque) and he has decided that you don't have a very good character, so he ties you up and cut out your eyes, cuts off your nose, ears and tongue. Oh, and you're pregnant. And, leaves you for dead! (
actually happened, her name is Zahida Perveen)[link]

It's a lot better than being beaten publicly for having breasts that are too firm (
sounds really far out there, but it actually happens)[link]

So, forgive me if I don't feel sorry for those bastards!

Hang them all! Hang them high!
Hang 'em slow and in public!
Anyone who starts crying for them can go live where the SOB's came from!
We'll see how much appreciation is shown to them. (Hah!)

And, you know what really disgusts me?
All of you teary-eyed bra-burning liberals who haven't even once spoke up for the lives of muslim women who have died horrible deaths!
For the children...for the girls who live under Shariah law! How dare you shed one tear for murderers and yet turn your backs on the victims, Muslim, Christian, American or not!?
How dare you??!!

You will rant and rave because we might have gotten a little rough with them and you ignore the daily atrocities committed in so-called name of Allah.

The whole lot of you are treasonous and a disgrace to this country!

to be Genocide, or not to be Genocide?

Oh. My. God.

We had to have a Congressional resolution to call the Armenian Genocide the 'Armenian Genocide.'

I realize that they don't teach this in school anymore and that it's not nice to talk about all the bad things that muslims do for islam <---not capitalized for a reason] but, come on!

The muslims targeted the Armenians for death. That's the short of it.
They drug them out of their homes, marched them to wherever, took their food and MURDERED them! [That's GENOCIDE Mr. President!] That's what we call it because that is the truth. We should not have had to have a Congressional anything for that. As representatives of the people of this nation (don't laugh) Congress and the President should not have wondered as to what it is called. It is what it is.

I don't care if Turkey doesn't like it. Hell, I don't care if my neighbor doesn't like it.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Allen West - Full Speech 1/3: "Muslim Terrorists Are Doing Excactly what the Quran Says"

I can not convey the deep respect I have for this man.

He is the very essence of what we need in American leadership. My hope is that Allen West not only is elected to Congress, but that one day I will be honored with opportunity to vote for him on a presidential ballot.

This is a man who could lead our country back to greatness!

Dear Obama Administration, thank you......

I would like to write a nice little thank you note to the Obama Administration.
It would go something like this:

Dear Mr. Obama, the Obama Administration, all of the members of Congress that are deep in the pockets of the American people (you know who you are), the members of the Presidential Cabinet and all of the Lemmings that follow after.....

Thank you.

You have done our nation a great favor.

We, as American citizens, were headed into a state of television commercial oblivion.
But, your double talk and lies have ended that for us.
We are now walking away from our living rooms and heading toward the meeting rooms.

We have begun to reach out to our neighbors and fellow patriots.

We have picked up our dusty copies of the Constitution and begun to study history once again.

We have relistened to the words and rehashed the deeds of the founding fathers that shaped this nation into something beautiful.

We listened to your words regarding 'Hope' and 'Change' and decided that you were right.
We also decided that you were lying when you said them, but you were right none the less.
We did need change and you gave us the strength to hope for something better.

So, I wish to convey my heartfelt thanks to you for waking up the mass of patriots that will soon be knocking on the doors of your administration.

Also, let's not forget that we are grateful that you reminded us that we decide where this country goes; we just let you drive.

Thank you, again, Mr. Obama, the Obama Administration, and all of the members of Congress who think that we haven't been paying attention....We have and we won't forget!


Belle Hurley, direct descendant of the Revolutionary War and modern patriot.


You know, some days I'm like 'Ahhh...what the hell?!' and then other days I'm on my knees begging God to have mercy on this nation..

We have been so blessed here and so ungrateful. We have had the luxury of freedom in all it's forms and yet we are throwing it away at the feet of the politicians......where has America gone?
It use to be that Congress was appointed by the State Representative as a federal voice for that state. Not so anymore. When that was changed, and people began to vote in Congress, Congress became more powerful that State Legislators and the federal government grew and grew until it could not hear the People anymore.

And, that is where they want to stay.

So, what are YOU going to do about? Because, that's what it boils down to...the individuals who decide that there isn't going to be anymore freedoms taken.

Executive Orders of the President...the real threat

I have posted this before but I felt like it just wasn't quite done yet.
I don't think that people really understand what an Executive Order is and how it can affect their daily lives and even their freedom.

Executive Orders of the President are not laws in fact. They are fishy things that have slowly shaped this nation. They have taken our great nation and transformed it from a Republic and made it into a Democracy. Don't be fooled, a Democracy only benefits the ones on top.
That is what we are seeing today.

It is the responsibility of the people to fix that. In order to fix it, we must first realize what it is and how to manage it.

So what are Executive Orders of the President?

Short answer: they are orders than we, the people of this nation, have to live with everyday whether we like it or not. Here is a good place to read in depth.

We don't have a say in them as long as those orders do not go under a judicial review, which can be done by the supreme court.
Who appoints members of the Supreme Court? The President of the United States.
(Hmmm....seems to me that there is something fishy going on here.)

Another political entity that can challenge these orders is Congress....Yeah, I'm not real impressed with that one, either.

Now, some of you are thinking that I am going to go on my usual rant against the usurping president bObama. (You know who you are.) But, I have fooled you....


Here is a record of Executive orders all the way back to Roosevelt.

Here is Obama's record (all 43 to date)

Here is G.W. Bush's record (400+ for the years 2001-2009)

Here is Clinton's record (all 364 for the years 1993-2001)

Here is G. Bush's record (166 for the years 1989-1993)

It would seem that with every presidency there are more executive orders.

Before you start to hyperventilate, may I direct you to the statement above regarding Congress' role in Executive Orders. They have the power to reverse them.....and we have the power to reverse Congress.

We are fighting against Pelosi/Reid/Obama healthcare....We are fighting to get to bottom of the missing birth certificate. But, we are missing the boat on Executive Orders! They have successfully guided our eyes to the circus in Congress and taken our attention away from the desk of the Oval Office.

Obama has used Executive Orders to give Interpol complete power to do whatever they so please in the United States. Interpol (which was run by Nazi, no kidding, until 30 years ago) can now enter your house and seize anything of yours, including your children. And, we can't legally stop them because no one in Congress raised a fuss.

Ladies and Gentlemen, it is time to rethink our agenda.
If we replace the tyrants with newer tyrants, we have done nothing.
If we do not replace the rule of power with the rule of law, we have done nothing.
If we continue to fall asleep as soon as we feel comfortable with our politicians, we do not deserve a republic and we have done nothing.

"A Republic, if you can keep it."

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Who Will Stand? Will you....?

Most of my family came to America before the original 13 states were contemplated.

They came from Holland, Prussia and Ireland. The part of my family that did not come from Europe were already here. I can personally trace my family line back to the Queen of the Senecas that George Washington corresponded with while he was still a Red-Coat.

My family has fought and bled for this country. America has not had a war (declared or otherwise) that my family hasn't had at least one member serve in. My own cousin was in the Pentagon on 9/11. (You tell him there wasn't a plane there on that day...)

So, when I express concern over where I see this country heading you can bet that it comes from the love for this country that has been bred and cultivated in my family!

Socialism is on the rise in the United States and there are a good many people who are clapping their hands with glee. Do they not realize that the Nazis were the Socialist Party of Germany? That the Nazis killed indiscriminately all those who stood in there way even before they commenced genocide on the Jewish people?
I can not understand how people can be so progressive that they lose their ability to think.

I have written open letters to the military addressing the concern of American people in regards to the blatant disregard of the Constitution by our own Congress and Administration and I have been called a traitor, seditious and so on.

If it is treason to want our own government and country to remember and abide by it's own laws then maybe I am guilty.

If I am, then I sincerely hope that I am not alone in that guilt.
I am calling all who truly love this country to stand, as I am standing!

God Bless you and God Bless the United States of America!

Belle Hurley

A Visitor From The Past

By Thelaen Paulk

I had a dream the other night...I didn't understand.
A figure walking through the mist, with a flintlock in his hand.
His clothes were torn and dirty, as he stood there by my bed.
he took off his three-cornered hat, and speaking low, he said,

"We fought a revolution to secure our liberty.
We wrote the Constitution, as a shield from tyranny.
For future generations, this legacy we gave.
In this, the land of the free and the home of the brave.

The freedom we secured for you, hoped you'd always keep.
But tyrants labored endlessly, while your parents were asleep.
Your freedom gone, your courage lost, you're no more than a slave.
In this, the land of the free and the home of the brave.

You buy permits to travel, and permits to own a gun,
Permits to start a business, or to build a place for one.
On land that you believe you own, you pay yearly rent,
All though you have no voice in the choosing how the money is spent.

Your children must attend a school that doesn't educate.
Your Christian values cant' be taught, according to the state.
You read about the current news, in a regulated press.
You pay a tax you do not owe, to please the I.R.S.

Your money is no longer made of silver or gold.
You trade you wealth for paper, so your life can be controlled.
You pay for crimes that make our nation turn from God in shame.
You've taken Satan's number, as you've traded in your name.

You've given government control to those who do you harm,
So they can padlock churches and steal the family farm.
And keep our country deep in debt, put men of God in jail.
Harass your fellow countrymen, while corrupted courts prevail.

Your public servants don't uphold the solemn oath they've sworn.
Your daughter's visit doctors, so their children won't be born.
You leaders ship artillery and guns to foreign shores,
And send you sons to slaughter, fighting other peoples' wars.

Can you regain the freedom for which we fought and died?
Or don't you have the courage or the faith to stand with pride?
Are there no more values for which you'll fight to save?
Or do you wish your children to live in fear and be a slave?

Sons of the Republic, arise and take a stand!
Defend the Constitution, the Supreme Law of the Land!
Preserve our great Republic and each God-Given Right,
And pray to God to keep the torch of freedom burning bright!"

As I awoke he vanished, in the mist from which he came.
His words were true, we are not free. We have ourselves to blame.
For even now as tyrants trample each God-Given Right
We only watch and tremble, too afraid to stand and fight.

If he stood by your bedside in a dream, while you're asleep,
And wonders what remains of our rights he fought to keep,
What would be your answer, if he called out from the grave?
Is this still the land of the free and home of the brave?

The American flag...a standard to live by.

"I pledge allegiance to this flag of the United States of America..."

This flag that we take for granted. Do you know what it represents? Oh yeah, the stars are the states....Well, there's more to it than that.

The Red represents the bravery of the men and women who have shed their blood for radical America-hating liberals to have the freedom to burn this American flag.

The White represents or signifies the purity and balance that a Republic, a nation or country ruled by law, is intended to have.( A nation such as ours, that was ruled by the laws of a loving God and is now forgotten by the majority.)

The Blue represents the justice, vigilance and perseverance that founded our laws and the constitution and are being demolished by the complacency of the people and the corruption of the lawmakers that the people have elected.

To me, personally, this flag tells me of the countless lives lost so that my family and I can live free. So that I have the freedom to love the God of my choice, to have the cherished opportunity for happiness and prosperity, to speak my mind with out the threat of speaks to me of valleys and hills laden with the blood and death of people who knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that this land is blessed by the Creator of the Universe and set aside for a higher purpose: To shine the light of freedom for the world to see.

"...and to the Republic, for which it stands..."

We live in a time when the winds of change are stirring and the balance is tipping.
We must, as free Americans, decide where we stand.

Do we forgo the origins of our nation or do we embrace something that our founding father not only feared but sacrificed of themselves to escape: Tyranny.
If you don't understand all of the fuss about tyranny either choose your favorite search engine and look it up, find a dictionary and dust it off, or stop reading right now because I am done trying to convince people that freedom is something to protect. (...not expect, there is a big difference!)

" Nation, under God..."

The only hope that we have as a nation is that the Lord, God Almighty, have mercy on us and embolden us to stand. There is a war waging. You can either acknowledge it or ignore it.
If you choose to ignore it you will surely fall asunder, again you can look it up.
If you choose to acknowledge it, then you have to decide what you must do; what side you are on and what you have to do to defend your family and you country.
It will come down to that, mark my words.


When our country was but a breath, an idea the founding members of the union faced the same hurdles that we face today. Different religions, different factions of the same religion, different creeds, different ideas, different colors of skin...but one thing unified them: the idea of freedom and the willingness to fight, bleed and die for it.
They knew the cost and the rewards to come for the following generations that you and I are a part of.

"...with Liberty and Justice for all!"

Liberty and Justice; there are American servicemen in prison for doing their duty to our nation and probably more to join them.
It is a disgrace that the American people have allowed our nation to come this far into the abyss.

Tell me, where is the liberty and the justice in America if our heroes are jailed and our enemy roams our streets? Where are the brave souls who will not wait for someone else to say 'this is unacceptable'?

The re-making of America is happening before our eyes.
The question that remains is this: Will we re-make it in the image that was set out by our Founding Fathers? Or, will we allow our complacency to rule and hand our country over to thugs?

It, quite simply, is our choice.

I have made my choice. Will you?

Belle Hurley

My country, ’tis of thee,
Sweet land of liberty,
Of thee I sing;
Land where my fathers died,
Land of the pilgrims’ pride,
From every mountainside,
Let freedom ring!

My native country, thee,
Land of the noble free,
Thy name I love;
I love thy rocks and rills,
Thy woods and templed hills;
My heart with rapture thrills,
Like that above.

Let music swell the breeze,
And ring from all the trees,
Sweet freedom’s song;
Let mortal tongues awake;
Let all that breathe partake;
Let rocks their silence break,
The sound prolong.

Our fathers’ God, to Thee,
Author of liberty,
To Thee we sing;
Long may our land be bright
With freedom’s holy light;
Protect us by Thy might,
Great God, our King.

( )

The youth of this nation, all is not lost....

This was emailed to me.
It is a comment to a article. The comment was written by FIFTEEN YEAR OLD girl, who I hope will one day walk on the steps of Capital Hill on her way to the top..

Jesse James
September 30th, 2009 at 22:58

I am a 15 year old girl living in the United States of America. I constantly ask myself the following questions:

Where is America headed?

What have these pagan socialists done to our country?

I was not around in the “good old days” at the beginning of our nation, but I know, through reading the letters and papers written by our founding fathers, the very men who pledged to us their lives, their fortunes, and the SACRED HONORS, that they meant for America to be a free people. They meant for us to be able to stand up and know, deep in our hearts, and be able to freely say that we have unalienable rights. Obama clearly doesn’t understand the meaning of the word unalienable. It is a word that means that these rights can never be separated from us. They are so deeply bound to us that NO ONE can take them away. That includes ALL of our rights. Our founding fathers were not indecisive. They did not create the United States so that one man could destroy it. They didn’t mean only for the army to have weapons and guns. HELL NO! Even ADOLF HITLER let his men have weapons. A recurring trend throughout history shows us, undeniably, that when the people are disarmed, the despots have free reign. They say, “I do well for your country.” They placate restless people. Then they strike, and a country is no longer free. A country is at war with itself.

The way our country has become would make the founding fathers roll over in their graves. It makes me want to scream. Our values as a society are being degraded and corrupted. I do believe that George Orwell may not be that far off. In a decade or two, we could be back in 1984, with Big Brother Socialist watching our every move and thought. I want our morals and values restored. Not only that, I want to reaffirm not only MY values and morals and honor, but the values and morals and honor of AMERICA. I wish for our country to be the way it was created. The founding fathers made no mistakes. They saw what power did. They saw corruption. Even I, a 15 year old girl, can see that not only does the government have too much power, it is incredibly corrupted. Our country cannot begin to redeem itself without first taking things back to the way they were created. We must put the power back into the hands of the people! We cannot allow our corrupt government officials to buy off the congress. We must take back the rights given to us by GOD! The government was created to do what the people themselves cannot do. That means fight wars, give shelter. That does not mean telling us whether or not we can fight for ourselves, protect ourselves, HUNT! An attack on hunting can be seen as only an attack on guns and our 2nd Amendment RIGHT! There is a reason we were given the rights we were given. Our founding fathers would look shamefully on this farcical display of idiocy. Only WE THE PEOPLE can restore America’s honor. We must fight the oppressors any way we can. Now the way is with words and their own corrupted laws. We must talk our way back to the way it was meant to be. We cannot, should not go back to violence, to war. I do not condemn war, I merely wish to say that war would be a very poor way indeed to reach our objective. We needn’t kill or maim, simply impeach, throw out the corrupted officials and implant new, sturdy, honorable ones in their stead.

It is not only our right, but our DUTY to overthrow a corrupt government. If Obama and Clinton cannot see that, they need to stop burning the Declaration and Constitution long enough to read the documents that brought about a beautiful country.

WE THE PEOPLE have the power, and the responsibility to use it. GOD BLESS AMERICA, THE WAY IT WAS CREATED, FREE AND EQUAL!

An Open Letter to The Military.

This letter is addressed to anyone in the United States Military, any branch, any rank.

There is a stirring in the air of this great nation. The people are crying out in a way that has not been seen since this nation gained it's birth.

Our elected president refuses to comply with the requests of many citizens to supply his birth certificate, and has even spent grand amounts of tax dollars to keep it from coming to the public eye.

Our Congress has refused to adhere to the voice of the people who put them in their respective offices and have passed a bill that will not only change the face of this nation but breaks the laws of our Constitution. I might add that it is your job to make sure that the Constitution is protected from corrupt officials.

It has come to the attention of many people that the Secretary of Homeland Security refers to Pro-Gun organizations, Pro-Life organization, Pro-God organizations and militias as domestic terrorists. Does she not realize that by her standards she is also calling the founding fathers of this union domestic terrorists?

I have waited and watched this past year to see what is to become of this administration.

I have listened as this elected (and otherwise) government called patriots, who drove across this nation to march peacefully on the Mall, Nazis, Birthers, Truthers, and Teabaggers. I watched that protest. I saw no one who resembled a Nazi. I saw concerned citizens who felt that was the only way for the government to hear them.

I have felt shame as I watched our government pander to leaders and countries who publicly loath America while systematically ignoring or condemning our allies.

I have felt the rage that so many parents are feeling as our President put a pervert in charge of the safety of our children's school.

I have shook my head in wonderment as terrorist who blatantly admit not only their hate of America, but their guilt in attacking America, have been given the same rights as law abiding, TAX PAYING, citizens.

I have watched while soldiers are prosecuted for doing the job that the government has forced them to do.

I listen to my six year old son pray for our soldier three times a day at the table. He thanks God for the good soldiers saving us from the bad soldiers.

I am a civilian. I have never served in the military. I am a single mother who lives in the country.
And yet, even I can see that the people of this union are not going to tolerate much more.

My questions to you, in fact the reason I am writing this letter, are these :

How much more will YOU tolerate?

How many more unconstitutional orders will you obey?

Will you help me protect my children from TYRANNY, or will I have to protect them from YOU?

I, and millions of other Americans, await your answer.


Belle Hurley

I am Israel

I am Israel-- I was born millennia before I was renamed Palestine by the conquering Romans, before Muhammad took his first breath, and before the U.N. decided to split me in half and turn my Eastern lands into Jordan. My people, the Jews, maintained communities here for three thousand years— that is until the Arabs decided to massacre those Jews without reason in 1920 and 1929. Hundreds of civilians were murdered, most of them women and children. Meanwhile, their brother Arab states massacred and exiled 1 million Arabic Jews from their lands-- erasing their history.

I am Israel-- I have been attacked four times by Arab armies since I declared independence in 1948. I told the Arabs who lived on my land that they were welcome to stay, but they were told by the neighboring states to leave temporarily while the Jews were "taken care of". I have been offering a message of peace since the day I was born, but my enemies answered only in bullets. I am a survivor--I won every war. Realizing they could not defeat me with arms, my enemies have turned to lies.

I am Israel-- Time and time again my name is smeared. Though each of these lies is eventually disproven, my enemies continue to claim I am committing genocide. Is giving educational opportunities to Palestinian Arabs "genocide"? 20% of the students in Haifa University are Arabs. If I am an aggressor who exiled all the Arabs in 1948, why are 20% of my citizens Arabs with full rights? Where did they magically appear from? Why did I give up the entire Sinai and the Gaza strip, uprooting my own people from their homes, only for the hope of peace?

I am Israel-- In combat, I risk the lives of my teenage sons and daughters in order to minimize civilian Palestinian casualties. I make every attempt to target only fighters, often putting my own soldiers in harms way. In wartime, I drop leaflets on areas to be attacked, warning civilians to evacuate. Has any other army in the history of mankind done this for its enemy? I waited 8 years to stop Hamas from its daily rocket attacks on my kindergardens and my hospitals. I am patient, but my patience is not infinite.

I am Israel-- I have created Intel and cell phone technology, medicine for devastating diseases, and I lead the world in scientific publications per capita. I send humanitarian missions to developing countries, including Muslim countries. I have absorbed hundreds of Muslim refugees who faced genocide in Darfur-- refugees no Muslim state would take.

I am Israel-- I am one of the smallest countries in the world, and probably the most stubborn, I refuse to give up hope for peace. My friends support me not because of any lobby, but because they see the truth-- I am the heart of the Middle East, and the hope for its future. My prophet said, "Nation shall not lift up sword against nation," and I will try, and try, and TRY until those words are true

Because, I am Israel.

Where ever I stand, I stand with Israel!
"The battle, Sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave. Besides, Sir, we have no election. If we were base enough to desire it, it is now too late to retire from the contest. There is no retreat but in submission and slavery! Our chains are forged! Their clanking may be heard on the plains of Boston! The war is inevitable; and let it come! I repeat, Sir, let it come!"
Patrick Henry

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"A general dissolution of principles and manners will more surely overthrow the liberties of America than the whole force of the common enemy. While the people are virtuous they cannot be subdued; but when once they lose their virtue then will be ready to surrender their liberties to the first external or internal invader." -- Samuel Adams, 1779